15-20 minutes: No Fee

*R-e-q-u-i-r-e-d for anyone NEW to this office (OR if it has been 1 year or longer since the most recent session at this practice).

Consultations are to be used as a screening tool to determine if your needs and your goals are a good fit for the Services I offer or if it is best to refer you to another Provider of Care.  NOTE: Review of a completed Client Intake Form will be a factor in making this determination.

*** To SCHEDULE:  use the Blue, "BOOK APPOINTMENT" bar (located on this website's Homepage) ***

NOTE: The Telephone Consultation cannot occur on the same day as the initial in-person appointment (the reasons for this can be discussed during your Telephone Consultation).

The "CONTACT ME" page allows for you to submit any questions you may have p-r-i-o-r to your (telephone) Consultation OR to simply answer basic questions you may have about the SERVICES menu



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Orthopedic-Integrative Massage

60,75,90,105,120 minutes: $135,$160,$180,$210,$240

_Orthopedic/Integrative Massage Therapy uses a variety of soft tissue and manual techniques to relieve tension, restore function and/or soften scar tissue that may be a source of pain or restricting range-of-motion (ROM).  Dependent upon the condition of the muscles and fascia, passive & assisted stretching many be utilized in addition to deep tissues techniques (the latter as is appropriate and applicable to do so).

*Optimal outcomes can frequently be realized when received as a complement to other allied medical and healthcare services such as: physical therapy, occupational therapy, acupuncture, personal training, Pilates, chiropractic and osteopathic care. 


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Manual Lymph Drainage(MLD)

60,75,90 minutes: $135,$160,$180

*Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy (MLD) also known as "lymphatic massage" uses light stretching movements of the skin to gently move lymph fluid through the body for improved health.  MLD can be utilized for a wide range of purposes to include: accelerating recovery post-illness, reducing swelling (edema) to affected areas of the body (as a result of injury, illness or surgery) & assisting in reduction of inflammation.

MLD can also be an effective tool if you are preparing for or recovering from orthopedic, oral/dental,  and plastic surgery given its effectiveness in reducing swelling to the post-surgical site & aiding in the formation of smoother & more functional scar tissue.

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Post-Op MLD & Bodywork

60, 75, 90 minutes: $140, $160, $180

This specialty service is designed for those who are planning OR have undergone cosmetic, plastic, reconstructive or revision surgery to address swelling and aid in the healing process; to include optimal scar tissue formation.

Commitment and Consistency with frequency of sessions & adherence to surgeon's and self-care guidelines are key to achieving realistic results.

It is strongly recommended to schedule your appointments well in advance of your surgery OR at time of your Telephone Consultations.  FSA, HSA & MSA cards are accepted (see Policies page under Payments)


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Swedish (Therapeutic) Massage

75, 90,105,120 minutes: $160,$180, $210, $240

Swedish Massage is a soothing style of bodywork that uses an assortment of massage strokes to assist the body and nervous system in decompressing. The benefits of this type of bodywork are wide-ranging and include relief from minor aches, decreased levels of stress in the body, and improved flexibility.  Pressure can be varied from light to moderate. 

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Medical Massage

60,75,90 minutes: $135,$160,$180

Per the CA Department of Public Health (CDPH) Medical Massage is defined as massage in response to a Referral issued by a Doctor, Physician or Chiropractor and is for the purpose of "preventative care" and/or for "resuming deferred care".

In some instances, medical massage for preventative care may be recommended to prevent relapse or maintain level of progress for a condition which may (or may not) have been a result of accident, injury or surgery.  When resuming for deferred care, it is strongly recommended you explore your current physical status with your doctor, physician or chiropractor to determine the  best course of action & if medical massage is an appropriate service for you to receive at this point in time.

Any questions regarding this specific service should be directed to the CONTACT ME page of this website:

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Oncology Massage

45, 60 minutes: $90, $120

Oncology Massage is a specialized type of massage developed specifically for those who are in active cancer treatment or who have completed their treatments.  Their unique needs will be addressed to ensure that massage is both beneficial and safe to receive. 

If in active treatment THEN a Referral from a qualified member of the Oncology Team will be required.  Your massage therapist has completed training in comprehensive oncology massage courses approved by the Society For Oncology Massage (S4OM).  Primary attention is on creating a safe, nurturing environment for promoting tension and stress relief.  Optional aromatherapy is available upon request (via a diffuser or inhalation)

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3-PACK BUNDLE (5% SAVINGS when purchasing 3 sessions of the same Service & Duration)

NOTE: 3-Pack bundles will expire 12 months after the date of purchase (UNLESS purchased as a Gift Certificate)

*Available appointments are visible using the online scheduling/viewing calendar*


> blue, "Book Appointment" button 

> once the page redirects

> follow prompts to the SERVICES page

> follow to the online scheduling calendar 

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